Not A Disorder: A Deep Insight Into Vidya's Narrative I Am Vidya

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Kavita Pant
Bhawana Mauni


Gender and sex are two terms that are often used synonymously but they differ from each other in a wide variety of ways. The difference does not only lie in their meanings but also the context in which they are used. The very fact that Sex is a biological entity declares it different from gender which is a social construction. The medical institution in the words of Michael Foucault labels the gender of a child as male and female. The society decides the roles that these genders ought to play and expects them to behave accordingly. In this construction of gender as male and female, what is left behind are those who do not identify as either and they are termed as 'QUEER', or 'THIRD GENDER'. The identity of a person is identified by which gender it relates to. Third gender people are those who do not relate to either male or female. Their biological identity does not match with their gender identity. The third gender has been into existence since ancient times. Nevertheless, their existence is highly neglected by our society. Back in the ancient times they enjoyed a reputed status just like the other members of the society. The ancient texts witness the three categories of sex, male, female and the third gender. In the Indian society which is highly patriarchal in its approach towards gender, where the third gender do not find a place. Our society in general considers only male and female as normal and debars those who fall for any other category. The society disregards those who do not identify as male and female and grants them an inferior status. They are known by names like Hijra, Kothi, Eunuchs, tirunangais, Aravanis, Khoja and many more.

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Author Biography

Bhawana Mauni, Research Scholar, Department of English, M.B.P.G College, Haldwani.




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