Steadfast Pursuit of Motherhood in Amy Tan's The Valley of Amazement- A Critical Perspective

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Y. Varalakshmi
R. V. Jayanth Kasyap


Amy Tan, a celebrated Chinese American writer, in her fictional endeavors articulates the mother-daughter relationship in particular and the socio-cultural, genderinequalitiesandplightofwomeningeneral.HerfictionalworkTheValley of Amazement touches upon familial relationships both in the Eastern and Western worlds besides focusing on contemporary societal and political crises that affect the lives of the individuals. The novel glorifies the struggle of a woman the overcoming impediments in accomplishing womanhood and fulfill her duties as a caring daughter, an affectionate wife and a responsible mother. Personally, as a daughter, she too suffers from the trauma caused by deprivation of emotional support from her mother.

The present paper entitled Steadfast Pursuit of Motherhood in Amy Tan's fiction The Valley of Amazement – A Critical Perspective explores the quest of a woman in fulfillingherobligationsasadaughterandasamother.Furthermore,itdeals with the fortitude of a woman in confronting the upheavals of life and her craving to barter true love.

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Author Biography

R. V. Jayanth Kasyap, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, 516003, Andhra Pradesh.